SNOWLEOPARD® Covert Anti-Counterfeiting Technology
Plastics Product Security and Brand Protection Technology Solutions
SNOWLEOPARD® is a proprietary, state-of-the-art Level 2 Covert Optical Security (L2S) Authentication technology in which microstructure security codes are permanently etched submicron into substrate materials, including plastics, thin films, glass, metals, and more. Code types include fixable and variable alphanumeric text, images & logos. Substrates can be transparent, translucent or opaque – any color light to dark. Security codes can be etched directly on-product or onto tamper evident labels as part of a layered defense. Authentication by way of invisible unique security codes, briefly appears when vapor is applied by mist; then quickly disappears in seconds as moisture evaporates. The ultrafast appearance/disappearance of the security code enables rapid authentication and a deterrent to replicate. Product authentication in the field is immediate – no instruments, tools or lights are needed. SNOWLEOPARD® is proven to prevent counterfeit and protect brand integrity.
SNOWLEOPARD® is a non-contact process that imparts indelible micro-size codes in seconds. Innovative desktop size production systems can be conducted inline or off-line. High-speed linear transport web-film systems are customizable. There are no additives, chemicals, solvents, inks, labels, lasers or printers. Industrial-grade constructed equipment systems run 24/7, requiring only electricity (120/240 V). SNOWLEOPARD® is deployed worldwide in specialized applications since 2005. The ideal technology for companies requiring low cost, strong anticounterfeit protection in 3rd World Countries, Asia, South America & more – fake products are virtually impossible. In some applications, authentication is quickly and simply performed on the product via “exhaled vapor breath” to reveal the invisible code. Authentication by means of small, inexpensive steam humidifier is equally easy. SNOWLEOPARD® optical security technology is available exclusively by The Sabreen Group.
Applications include any product in which counterfeit or tampering is a concern: Polymer banknotes/currency, passports/visa, government photo ID, ophthalmic lenses/frames/sports googles, medical packaging/instruments, pharmaceuticals/personal care, glass & plastic products/bottles, optical media/CDs/DVDs, computers/consumer electronics, electronic circuit boards/electrical components, labels/tags, crystalware, watches/jewelry, wearing apparel/footwear, high technology automotive/aerospace/military, and more.